I, Tonya

My name is Gail and I am an I. Tonya denier. I find myself astonished by the love for this film. It’s a comedy about domestic abuse, child abuse and a violent attack on a sporting rival. But that doesn’t sound funny I hear you say. But perhaps you didn’t realise the people involved are poor, stupid and horrible which is apparently a rich comedy vein. I really fucking hated this film. Oh and the soundtrack is overpowering.

Recommend? Not even if its free and you’re bored.

Game Night

Game Night is funny. Laughs out loud. L O L S. Also it has Kyle Chandler and Jesse Plemons in it. This is the funny Friday Night Lights reunion you have been waiting for. Also Kyle Chandler is hot but also kinda seedy in it. Still hot. Maybe more hot *ponders*. ANYWAY, it’s silly but not dumb, fast paced, loads of fun and they didn’t put all the best jokes in the trailer.

It’s out on Friday. SIGNIFICANTLY SIZED RECOMMEND. Comedies are always better seen with an audience so go.

Isle of Dogs

Wes Anderson does stop motion puppet dogs. It’s quirky, funny, inventive and stunningly beautiful. It’s a goddamn delight. You’ll pick a favourite dog (they are all very good boys, and girls) and have the song from that trailer stuck in your head for days on end. And if you’re the kind of person who hates Wes Anderson films I can’t help you. Nobody can help you.

It’s out on 20 April. BIG RECOMMEND.